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Author : Robert M Keay Date : Sep 23, 2018 Comment : 0

Customer Experience Measurement: A Practical Guide to Measuring CXNo company can survive without its customers, which is why it’s so important to keep them satisfied. However, you can’t just trust your gut when it comes to customer satisfaction – you must have an ability to quantifiably measure every customer’s experience. This is why any successful organization must invest in a strong, accurate customer experience measurement program. Learn more about CX below.

What is Customer Experience Measurement?
Also known as CX measurement, this is the process wherein an organization measures every step of the customer’s interaction with them. This means that there are verifiable statistics that can be applied to almost every action from the customer, from the time they first walk in the door to their final thoughts on the product or service that they utilized.

Why should you measure Customer Experience?
CX measurement allows you to find out what the customer loves about your company and what they find to be lacking. You can analyze this information to make better marketing and sales decisions based on customer feedback. It is one of the best ways to identify your target market and cater your business decisions based on their needs.

How to Measure Customer Experience

1.) Research your customers
In order to best satisfy your customers, you must research them to find out who they are and what they want. This includes finding out things like demographics, income levels, and even their favorite items. Once you have this, you get a better understanding of who you should reach out to.

2.) Identify Points of Contact
Your customer isn’t just interacting with you when they make a purchase in the store. They are also in contact if they view your social media, send an email, or receive a text. Identify these points of contact and map out the entire experience from the customer’s point of view. Know when they begin contact and when they end contact so that you can understand how they go through the process.

3.) Fix up Faulty Contact Points
If communication is lacking in any part of the customer’s journey, make sure to patch these points up and improve your customer service skills in order to better service the customer.

4.) Measure the Customer Experience
Once you’ve identified your customers and their contact points, you can now put together a plan to measure their experience. Verify if your solutions are working, and if they are not, go back and re-work a new fix.

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