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Author : Robert M Keay Date : Oct 28, 2018 Comment : 0

Ultimate Guide to Customer Experience MappingA great customer experience can help set your company apart from all of your competitors. But it isn’t always easy to know what your customers are looking for or how to cater to them specifically. Fortunately, you can use customer experience mapping to help you gain a better understanding of your own company as well as what you can do to improve the overall customer experience.

Read on below for some tips on how to map a quality customer experience.

Analyze all of your touchpoints
When getting started with customer experience mapping, you need to make sure that you are aware of all your touchpoints and how they affect the customer. This includes social media sites, your company website, radio and television advertisements, and telephone calls. Create a list of all of your touchpoints and make sure you know how they are working.

Identify the purpose of every interaction
If you are reaching out to customers through phone calls, social media posts, and television ads, you need to ask yourself why. Every time you make contact, there should be a direct purpose and goal in mind. This could be as simple as trying to make a sale to something more complex like gathering demographic information and gauging their feelings on a marketing campaign. Either way, you should have a solid reason behind every point of contact.

Analyze Your Data
After you have properly categorized every touchpoint and established a goal, you can start analyzing your data. This can be data brought in through surveys, market research, industry analysis, or web forums. Anything you have that gives insight into your company is valuable for helping you to map a high-quality customer experience.

Create a Layout
Now you can start mapping the customer experience. This can be done through timelines and wheels that help you to understand when and where the customer makes contact. Focus on things like customer lifespan, brand life cycle, and the moment that you contact the customer.

Create content
There are many different things that identify a customer and their journey with your company. Here, you can create content that represents those things and relates them to your company. These are things like emotions, needs, and triggers. You can make note of the customer’s actions and the touchpoints they have with your company. This will help you to create a fully functional customer experience map.

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